Page 188 - BUKU CATALOG GEA GETRA 2024-2025
P. 188

Meat Seasoning Mixer                            Vacum Meat Tenderizer

             Mesin pencampur daging dengan bumbu             Mesin pelunak / pelembut daging

             Features                                       Features
             •  Machine for mixing meat/seafood with seasonings,   •  Equipped with a vacuum system, it will enlarge the pores of the
              such as: Marinate chicken, black pepper meat, etc.  meat/ vegetable so that it is easy to absorb the spices to the core of
             •  The process is fast, hygienic and evenly mixed  the meat, so perfect mixing.
             •  Stainless steel cabinet                     •  Vacuum system also works as a meat tenderizer
             •  Production capacity: + 5 kg / cycle         •  Bin capacity: 20 L
             •  Bin volume: 20 L                            •  Mixing time: 15 ~ 20 minutes

                     HMC-837                                         HMC-809

                       DIMENSION         WEIGHT    PRICE               DIMENSION         WEIGHT    PRICE
               TYPE                WATT                        TYPE                WATT
                       L x W x H (cm)      (kg)     (Rp)               L x W x H (cm)      (kg)     (Rp)
             HMC-837  95   66  91   180   51/57  20.000.000  HMC-809  95   86   91  300   62,5/71  28.000.000

             Vacuum Tumbler

                                                    Mesin untuk mencampur daging / seafood dengan bumbu,
                                                    seperti : ayam kuning, ayam goreng, daging lada hitam, sosis dan
                                                    lainnya. Dengan sistem vacuum, akan memperbesar pori-pori daging
                                                    / sayur sehingga mudah menyerap bumbu hingga ke inti daging, hasil
                                                    pencampuran jadi sempurna.Sistem vacuum, juga berfungsi sebagai
                                                    pelembut daging, daging menjadi lebih empuk & lezat.

                                                    - Lama pencampuran : 15 ~ 20 menit
                                                    - Vacuum Degree : 0,004 ~ 0,08
                                                    - Speed : 7,9 rpm
                                                    Bisa bolak balik : Posisi balik mengeluarkan produk / dicuci
                                                    Note :
                                                    Material yang berhubungan dengan produk makanan terbuat dari S/s 304
                         SERI DY-GR

                         DIMENSION (cm)  CYLINDER  CAPACITY    VOL.     FILL    WATT    WEIGHT    PRICE
                          L    W     H      (cm)     (kg/hour)  (L)  CAPACITY   (380V/3P)  (kg)     (Rp)
             DY-GR-100   110  81,5  140   Ø60 x 70     100     200    30~60 Kg   1500     130    90.000.000
             DY-GR-200 130,8   90  134,3  Ø80 x 88     200     450   50 ~ 100 Kg  1850    180    113.000.000
             DY-GR-300   170  101,8  160  Ø80 x 100    300     500   150 ~ 300 Kg  2250   400    119.000.000
             DY-GR-500   192  111,2  167  Ø100 x 140   500     1000  200 ~ 350 Kg  2950   450    139.000.000
                                                                              All products in this page are made in China

                                                                   MEAT & FISH PROCESSING EQUIPMENT
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