Page 241 - BUKU CATALOG GEA GETRA 2024-2025
P. 241

Sauce Warmer Machine                                                              Single Head

                                     GETRA Sauce Warmer Machine adalah mesin penghangat topping botol saus,
                                     chocolate sauce, sauce keju, black paper sauce, ketchup, karamel, mayonnaise,
                                     untuk dijadikan topping / lapisan cake, crepes, wafel, ice cream, dll agar produk
                                     mudah melt saat dikeluarkan dan fresh.
                                     Cocok diaplikasikan pada : Cake Shop, Hotel Cafetaria,  Cofee Shop, Restoran,
                                     Snack Bar, Handmade Chooclate Shop, dll.

                                     •  Material : Body S/s 201
                                     •  Bottle material : PE
                                     •  Bottle cap. 400 ml                                                Max.16cm
                                     •  Thermostat
                                     •  Power switch
                                     •  Easy to use
                                                                                                 8 cm
                                                                                             Bottle capacity : 400 ml

                        DIMENSION (cm)   BOTTLE     POWER      TEMP.                 NW / GW      PRICE
               TYPE                                                      VOLTAGE
                         L    W     H    Ø     H       (W)      (°C)                    (kg)       (Rp)
            SWM-1       25    17   23    8     16      80     30 ~ 85   220V/1P/50Hz  2,1 / 3,9  1.950.000

           Chocolate/Sugar Coated Machine

           Fungsi utama mesin ini :            Features
           1.  Melapisi film, memberi warna,    •  The pan rotates slowly to flatten
                memoles pada tablet permen / obat  out perfect mixing
           2.  Melapisi gula cair pada kacang  •  Blow hot air before the coating
           3.  Melapisi coklat pada kacang       process to speed up the sticking
                (Optional sprayer)
                                               •  Stainless steel body
                  SEMPROTAN                    •  Inclination 15 ~ 45°
                                                     Sprayer untuk pelapis

                MESIN COATING
               ANGIN (*)
                                                                                            SERI BY
                   DIMENSION (cm) Ø COATING  CAP.  SPEED  POWER (Watt)          NW          PRICE (Rp)
           MODEL                                                        VOLT.
                    L   W    H  DRUM (cm)  (kg/cycle)  (rpm)  Motor  Fan  Heat  (kg)    Machine    Sprayer
          BY200    60   40  80     20       1     60   120   40  1000  220V/1P   30   35.000.000  36.000.000
          BY300    60   40  80     30      2~3    60   120   40  1000  220V/1P   30   36.000.000  36.000.000
          BY400    60   40  80     40       5     60   120   40  1000  220V/1P   40   39.000.000  36.000.000
          BY600    80   50  100    60      25     45   750   60  1000  380V/3P   75   45.000.000  41.000.000
          BY800    100  90  140    80      50     35   1100  120 2x1000 380V/3P  190  63.000.000  60.000.000
          BY1000   100  100  150   100     75     30   1100  120 2x1000 380V/3P  200  66.000.000  63.000.000
          BY1250   120  140  190   125     100    25   3000  150 2x1500 380V/3P  340  100.000.000  100.000.000
          BY1500   180  120  200   150     140   0~20  7500  180 2x1500 380V/3P  800  170.000.000  170.000.000
         Sprayer sudah dilengkapi pemanas untuk mencegah   *Prices exclude Air Compressor  All products in this page are made in China
         penggumpalan coklat                         * Min. compressor capacity:3HP

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